Looking at Myself and Where I'm HeadedI keep a picture of myself on my bookshelf where I can see it from my desk while working and from my chair when thinking. It is the last image I see before leaving for the day and the first image I see in the morning upon arriving at my desk. The self-portrait is shown above.
The picture shows my shadow cast across my gravesite at Cave Hill Cemetery pointing toward the symbol of earthly success, my Mercedes-Benz (formerly). The luxury car cannot deliver me from the place that awaits my sure and certain arrival.
I see myself in the picture as dust and shadow, like the flower of the field described by the psalmist:
For as soon as the wind goeth over it, it is gone; and the place thereof shall know it no more. Psalm 103:14-16.
There is life in the picture, the good life symbolized by the silver car. There’s death, dust and shadow in the scene as well and even fading flowers of the field set in a vase before a tombstone before the 'wind goeth over it.' And the grave-digger’s work is visible in the lower left foreground, marked by white flags.
There is resurrection in the picture symbolized by the patch of green grass visible near the base of the shadow, the return of life in an eternal cycle that goes from green to brown to green.
The picture keeps me centered.